THE POWER OF SEVEN – Color Therapy Program

Seeing the light in others will help you to find the light in yourself.

The Power of Seven Color Program (POS) is the most elaborate Color Energy self/group development home study program ever written! The POS study will help you to understand your body’s flow of energies and teach you how to manage your personal energy on a holistic level – body, mind and spirit.


No experience is necessary! This course is of benefit to all!

You’ll spend one evening per month with your group leader Dr. Martha for 8 months working on one color energy per month and practicing the different exercises recommended in each module as homework assignments.

During the monthly group sessions everyone will share their experiences on the material and home assignments performed.

Coming together monthly with a group of like-minded people who wish to optimize their personal energy and growth potential ie friends, family, or with coworkers or practitioners in the same field is a powerful experience. It is important, in both personal life and in business, to know why we as people behave differently in certain situations.

This course will help to develop your understanding of both yourself and those around you, thus enhancing communication abilities, patience, understanding and connection. Each month for 8 months you will download your color of the month manual. Each workbook contains different exercises needs to be completed before your group session to improve your energy balance.

    • During the 1st study you will take a test to learn the status of your energy system (included in course fee). At the end of the 8 months you may want to complete another test for comparison (You will be different).

Develop your inner knowledge and insight through group sessions that take place once a month over 8 months for a few hours. Group interaction allows you to learn from other color energies in a way that you can’t learn from just text books.

In the group sessions you will:

  • Work through challenges related to the color energy of the month
  • Challenge your comfort level by way of hot discussion topics, scenarios and role-play
  • Analyze and solve personal problems with the insightful and collective feedback from the other color personalities in your group
  • Analyze your stress and learn coping techniques
  • Engage in meditation and healing sessions
  • Learn techniques for stilling the mind and enhancing intuition
  • Experience emotional releases and work to overcome lifelong trauma or shock that may be holding you back
  • Dig to the source of why some things in life are so easy or difficult for you compared to other personalities
  • Discover ways to take control of your life with new confidence, clarity and determination
  • Sing, dance, laugh and deeply connect with yourself and others in your group… Brace yourself because you will get more out of this program than you ever expected!

ColorWheelInsight and understanding of yourself, self-control, self-acceptance, survival, healing and self-confidence create “hue” you are!

NOTE *** This class is now forming – Class has a minimum participation of 4 people to allow for partnering. Please register ASAP to avoid class rescheduling.

Enrollment Fee $460 (plus approximately $50 per month in supply fees)

Enrollment fee covers

  1. 8-month Power of Seven (POS) Color as Therapy program
  2. and one in-depth online color personality analysis.

Bestill test

Enrollment Fee does not include the additional required monthly supply cost of approximately $50

POS Philosophy:

Our aim is to reconnect you with the power you were born with. Your body, your soul and the capacity of your brain, are all designed exclusively for your energy. Making you more conscious of your potentials and helping you to believe in yourself, you have a greater possibility of mastering your natural and latent abilities. Power of Seven is made for all who wish to learn about why we behave differently, why we understand differently, why we learn differently; and, most of all, how we can understand each other better.




“I am about to partake on an amazing self development journey that will help me to optimize my energy on every level and will help me to be more successful in every area of my life. I don’t know exactly what this journey entails, but I do know it will be highly transformational from everything that I have read so far. We only have room to take eight people with us on this journey and I would love for you to be one of them!” ~ Danielle


THE POWER OF SEVEN – Color Therapy Program with Dr. Martha